Auslesen aus .TXT Datein
Hallo zusammen,

Ist es möglich Via Excel, eine Zelle zu erstellen wo ich aus deine .TXT Datei eine bestimme Zeile Rauslesen & Anzeigen lassen kann.

Diese Zeile bzw. Text was ich Rauslesen lassen möchte besteht in der .TXT Datei öfters aber immer ein anderer Wert!

Grüße Dagu
Antworten Top
Ich rate mal, Du willst z.B. die 6te Zeile einlesen, dann könnte das mit PowerQuery wie folgt aussehen
    Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents("d:\tmp\Data.csv"),[Delimiter="#(cr)"]),
    #"Entfernte oberste Zeilen" = Table.Skip(Source,6),
    #"Beibehaltene erste Zeilen" = Table.FirstN(#"Entfernte oberste Zeilen",1),
    Column1 = #"Beibehaltene erste Zeilen"{0}[Column1]
Und wenn Du diesen Tipp befolgst, sieht man nur die einzelne Zeile

Eine andere Möglichkeit, Du verwendest VBA
Function getTextfile(ByVal fileName As String) As String

    Dim fileContent As String
    Dim fileNr As Long
    fileNr = FreeFile
    Open fileName For Input As fileNr
    fileContent = Input(LOF(fileNr), fileNr)
    Close fileNr
    getTextfile = fileContent
End Function

Function getLine(inp As String, lineNo As Long) As String

    getLine = Split(inp, vbCrLf)(lineNo - 1)

End Function

Dann könntest Du die folgende Formel verwenden
Antworten Top
In Meiner TXT Datei sind diese Sachen enthalten die ich Tracken möchte

"Was ich Tracken möchte"
Der Name : ["Daguthree - Arygos"]
Der Schlüssel: [Keystone: Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise (18)]

Hier ein Ausschnitt der TXT Datei. wie diese aufgebaut ist.
In der originalen TXT Datei sind alle meine Sachen drinnen das heißt das ganze 50x hintereinander nur Jedes mal ein anderer Name und ein anderer Schlüssel.
SavedInstancesDB = {
    ["Toons"] = {
        ["Daguthree - Arygos"] = {
            ["Arena3v3rating"] = 0,
            ["isResting"] = true,
            ["Emissary"] = {
                [6] = {
                    ["unlocked"] = true,
                    ["days"] = {
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                        }, -- [1]
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                        }, -- [2]
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                        }, -- [3]
                [7] = {
                    ["unlocked"] = true,
                    ["days"] = {
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                        }, -- [1]
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                        }, -- [2]
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                        }, -- [3]
            ["Race"] = "Highmountain Tauren",
            ["LClass"] = "Monk",
            ["RBGrating"] = 0,
            ["SoloShuffleRating"] = {
                0, -- [1]
            ["lastbosstime"] = 1711466595,
            ["Show"] = "always",
            ["TimewornMythicKey"] = {
            ["Calling"] = {
                    ["isCompleted"] = false,
                    ["isOnQuest"] = false,
                    ["expiredTime"] = 1712030399,
                }, -- [1]
                    ["isCompleted"] = false,
                    ["isOnQuest"] = false,
                    ["expiredTime"] = 1712116799,
                }, -- [2]
                    ["isCompleted"] = false,
                    ["isOnQuest"] = false,
                    ["expiredTime"] = 1712203199,
                }, -- [3]
                ["unlocked"] = true,
            ["ILe"] = 471.125,
            ["Quests"] = {
            ["Paragon"] = {
            ["IL"] = 473.4375,
            ["LastSeen"] = 1711525099,
            ["Order"] = 50,
            ["Class"] = "MONK",
            ["ILPvp"] = 473.4375,
            ["lastbossyell"] = "Yazma: Mythic Keystone",
            ["currency"] = {
                [824] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 10000,
                    ["amount"] = 40,
                [1904] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 2292,
                    ["totalMax"] = 3510,
                    ["amount"] = 42,
                [2650] = {
                    ["amount"] = 23,
                [1979] = {
                    ["amount"] = 337,
                [2706] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 103,
                    ["amount"] = 88,
                [2003] = {
                    ["amount"] = 1253,
                [2533] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 8,
                    ["amount"] = 8,
                [1822] = {
                    ["covenant"] = {
                        [4] = 80,
                    ["totalMax"] = 80,
                    ["amount"] = 80,
                [1889] = {
                    ["amount"] = 4,
                [1767] = {
                    ["amount"] = 8228,
                [1275] = {
                    ["amount"] = 3,
                [1342] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 1000,
                    ["amount"] = 858,
                [1220] = {
                    ["amount"] = 35367,
                [1602] = {
                    ["amount"] = 0,
                [2708] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 347,
                    ["amount"] = 212,
                [2409] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 328,
                    ["amount"] = 328,
                [2709] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 137,
                    ["amount"] = 92,
                [2410] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 670,
                    ["amount"] = 670,
                [2796] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 8,
                    ["amount"] = 8,
                [1166] = {
                    ["amount"] = 850,
                [2245] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 2000,
                    ["amount"] = 233,
                [1560] = {
                    ["amount"] = 634,
                [2411] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 677,
                    ["amount"] = 677,
                [2009] = {
                    ["amount"] = 1941,
                [1828] = {
                    ["amount"] = 16529,
                [2413] = {
                    ["amount"] = 21,
                [1977] = {
                    ["amount"] = 233,
                [1792] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 15000,
                    ["amount"] = 0,
                [2774] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 21,
                    ["amount"] = 19,
                [1533] = {
                    ["amount"] = 580,
                [2412] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 326,
                    ["amount"] = 326,
                [1226] = {
                    ["amount"] = 23652,
                [1906] = {
                    ["amount"] = 525,
                [2707] = {
                    ["totalEarned"] = 50,
                    ["amount"] = 50,
                [1931] = {
                    ["amount"] = 9111,
                [1810] = {
                    ["covenant"] = {
                        [4] = 9,
                    ["totalMax"] = 100,
                    ["amount"] = 9,
                [1813] = {
                    ["covenant"] = {
                        [4] = 641,
                    ["totalMax"] = 200000,
                    ["amount"] = 641,
                [1191] = {
                    ["amount"] = 0,
                [1820] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 100,
                    ["amount"] = 100,
            ["SpecializationIDs"] = {
                268, -- [1]
                270, -- [2]
                269, -- [3]
            ["Warmode"] = false,
            ["Skills"] = {
            ["Level"] = 70,
            ["MythicKeyBest"] = {
                ["threshold"] = {
                    1, -- [1]
                    4, -- [2]
                    8, -- [3]
                ["ResetTime"] = 1712116799,
                ["rewardWaiting"] = false,
            ["Warfront"] = {
                    ["scenario"] = {
                    ["boss"] = false,
                }, -- [1]
                    ["scenario"] = {
                        false, -- [1]
                        false, -- [2]
                    ["boss"] = false,
                }, -- [2]
            ["MythicKey"] = {
                ["mapID"] = 464,
                ["name"] = "Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise",
                ["link"] = "|cffa335ee|Hkeystone:180653:464:18:9:135:7:0|h[Keystone: Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise (18)]|h|r",
                ["color"] = "ffff8000",
                ["level"] = 18,
                ["ResetTime"] = 1712116799,
            ["PlayedTotal"] = 1882598,
            ["Arena2v2rating"] = 0,
            ["lastbossyelltime"] = 1711466595,
            ["MaxXP"] = 100000000,
            ["Money"] = 15287241,
            ["WeeklyResetTime"] = 1712116799,
            ["MythicPlusScore"] = 1764,
            ["lastboss"] = "Yazma: Mythic Keystone",
            ["oRace"] = "HighmountainTauren",
            ["PlayedLevel"] = 653111,
            ["Zone"] = "Valdrakken",
            ["Covenant"] = 4,
            ["DailyResetTime"] = 1712030399,
            ["Progress"] = {
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                    [78427] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [78428] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
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                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-aiding-the-accord"] = {
                    "0/1 Complete a Time Rift", -- [1]
                    "3000/3000 Reputation earned throughout Dragon Isles", -- [2]
                    ["show"] = true,
                    ["numFulfilled"] = 0,
                    ["numRequired"] = 1,
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                    ["leaderboardCount"] = 2,
                    ["text"] = "0/1 3000/3000",
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                    ["unlocked"] = true,
                    ["unlocksCompleted"] = 0,
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                    ["show"] = false,
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                    ["show"] = false,
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                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-disciple-of-fyrakk"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-grand-hunt"] = {
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [70906] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [71136] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [71137] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["df-a-worthy-ally-dream-wardens"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
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                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-renown"] = {
                    [2511] = {
                        6, -- [1]
                        277, -- [2]
                        2500, -- [3]
                    [2507] = {
                        2, -- [1]
                        640, -- [2]
                        2500, -- [3]
                    [2564] = {
                        3, -- [1]
                        250, -- [2]
                        2500, -- [3]
                    [2510] = {
                        2, -- [1]
                        2260, -- [2]
                        2500, -- [3]
                    [2503] = {
                        2, -- [1]
                        475, -- [2]
                        2500, -- [3]
                    [2574] = {
                        2, -- [1]
                        1250, -- [2]
                        2500, -- [3]
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                    ["show"] = false,
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                    ["show"] = true,
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                        ["show"] = false,
                    [75629] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [75630] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [75627] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
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                    ["show"] = false,
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                    ["show"] = false,
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                    ["show"] = false,
                    [55350] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [56064] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [56308] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57157] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57008] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57728] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["df-community-feast"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-dreamsurge"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-secured-shipment"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["great-vault-raid"] = {
                    ["unlocked"] = true,
                    ["rewardWaiting"] = true,
                ["df-the-big-dig-traitors-rest"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-siege-on-dragonbane-keep"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-primal-storms-core"] = {
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [70753] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [72686] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73162] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [70723] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [70752] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [70754] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["bfa-island"] = {
                    "0/36000 Collect 36000 Azerite on Island Expeditions", -- [1]
                    ["show"] = true,
                    ["numFulfilled"] = 0,
                    ["numRequired"] = 36000,
                    ["isComplete"] = false,
                    ["leaderboardCount"] = 1,
                    ["text"] = "0/36000",
                    ["objectiveType"] = "monster",
                    ["isFinish"] = false,
                ["df-sparks-of-life"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-fighting-is-its-own-reward"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-primal-storms-elementals"] = {
                    [73998] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74006] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74039] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74016] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73989] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73991] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73993] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73995] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73999] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74005] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74007] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74009] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [73986] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74022] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74027] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74038] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["sl-patterns-within-patterns"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["emissary-of-war"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-trial-of-flood"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["bfa-horrific-vision"] = {
                    [57847] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57848] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57841] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57842] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57843] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57844] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57845] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57846] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["the-world-awaits"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
            ["Faction"] = "Horde",
["Dagurage - Arygos"] = {
            ["Arena3v3rating"] = 1507,
            ["isResting"] = true,
            ["Emissary"] = {
                [6] = {
                    ["unlocked"] = true,
                    ["days"] = {
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                            ["questReward"] = {
                                ["itemName"] = "Farondis Lockbox",
                                ["itemLvl"] = 45,
                                ["quality"] = 3,
                        }, -- [1]
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                            ["questReward"] = {
                                ["itemName"] = "Scuffed Krokul Cache",
                                ["itemLvl"] = 45,
                                ["quality"] = 3,
                        }, -- [2]
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["questReward"] = {
                                ["itemName"] = "Nightfallen Hoard",
                                ["itemLvl"] = 45,
                                ["quality"] = 3,
                        }, -- [3]
                [7] = {
                    ["unlocked"] = true,
                    ["days"] = {
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                            ["questReward"] = {
                                ["itemName"] = "Zandalari Empire Equipment Cache",
                                ["itemLvl"] = 99,
                                ["quality"] = 4,
                        }, -- [1]
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                            ["questReward"] = {
                                ["quantity"] = 3000,
                                ["currencyID"] = 1553,
                        }, -- [2]
                            ["isComplete"] = false,
                            ["questDone"] = 0,
                            ["isFinish"] = false,
                            ["questReward"] = {
                                ["itemName"] = "Azerite Armor Cache",
                                ["itemLvl"] = 100,
                                ["quality"] = 4,
                        }, -- [3]
            ["Race"] = "Orc",
            ["LClass"] = "Death Knight",
            ["RBGrating"] = 0,
            ["SoloShuffleRating"] = {
                0, -- [1]
                [3] = 0,
            ["lastbosstime"] = 1711722290,
            ["Show"] = "always",
            ["TimewornMythicKey"] = {
            ["oRace"] = "Orc",
            ["Faction"] = "Horde",
            ["ILe"] = 487.625,
            ["Calling"] = {
                    ["isCompleted"] = false,
                    ["title"] = "A Call to Revendreth",
                    ["questID"] = 60433,
                    ["expiredTime"] = 1712030399,
                    ["isOnQuest"] = false,
                }, -- [1]
                    ["isCompleted"] = false,
                    ["title"] = "Challenges in Ardenweald",
                    ["questID"] = 60440,
                    ["expiredTime"] = 1712116799,
                    ["isOnQuest"] = false,
                }, -- [2]
                    ["isCompleted"] = false,
                    ["title"] = "Aiding Ardenweald",
                    ["questID"] = 60390,
                    ["expiredTime"] = 1712203199,
                    ["isOnQuest"] = false,
                }, -- [3]
                ["unlocked"] = true,
            ["Quests"] = {
                [70221] = {
                    ["Expires"] = 1712116799,
                    ["Title"] = "Show Your Mettle",
                    ["Link"] = "|cffffff00|Hquest:70221:90|h[Show Your Mettle]|h|r",
                    ["Zone"] = {
                        ["mapType"] = 3,
                        ["mapID"] = 2112,
                        ["name"] = "Valdrakken",
                        ["parentMapID"] = 2025,
                        ["flags"] = 4,
                    ["isDaily"] = false,
                [70532] = {
                    ["Expires"] = 1712116799,
                    ["Link"] = "|cffffff00|Hquest:70532:2164|h[Aiding the Raiding]|h|r",
                    ["Title"] = "Aiding the Raiding",
                    ["Zone"] = {
                        ["mapType"] = 3,
                        ["mapID"] = 2112,
                        ["name"] = "Valdrakken",
                        ["parentMapID"] = 2025,
                        ["flags"] = 4,
                [72722] = {
                    ["Expires"] = 1712116799,
                    ["Zone"] = {
                        ["mapType"] = 3,
                        ["mapID"] = 2112,
                        ["name"] = "Valdrakken",
                        ["parentMapID"] = 2025,
                        ["flags"] = 4,
                    ["Title"] = "Emissary of War",
                    ["Link"] = "|cffffff00|Hquest:72722:2474|h[Emissary of War]|h|r",
            ["Paragon"] = {
            ["WeeklyResetTime"] = 1712116799,
            ["Zone"] = "Valdrakken",
            ["Order"] = 50,
            ["Class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
            ["ILPvp"] = 489.875,
            ["lastbossyell"] = "Vekkalis",
            ["currency"] = {
                [241] = {
                    ["amount"] = 3,
                [2650] = {
                    ["amount"] = 1601,
                [2000] = {
                    ["amount"] = 101,
                [1508] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 2000,
                    ["amount"] = 1119,
                [1810] = {
                    ["covenant"] = {
                        [4] = 112,
                    ["amount"] = 112,
                    ["totalMax"] = 100,
                [1191] = {
                    ["amount"] = 0,
                [1906] = {
                    ["amount"] = 35121,
                [1716] = {
                    ["amount"] = 64,
                [1828] = {
                    ["amount"] = 141179,
                [2003] = {
                    ["amount"] = 8102,
                [823] = {
                    ["amount"] = 477,
                [1273] = {
                    ["weeklyMax"] = 3,
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                    ["amount"] = 0,
                [1226] = {
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                [1560] = {
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                [402] = {
                    ["amount"] = 1,
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                [1275] = {
                    ["amount"] = 39,
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                    ["amount"] = 39,
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                [2123] = {
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                    ["amount"] = 1959,
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                    ["amount"] = 85,
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                    ["amount"] = 0,
                [1977] = {
                    ["amount"] = 224,
                [2009] = {
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                [1533] = {
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                [1803] = {
                    ["amount"] = 31048,
                [1342] = {
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                    ["amount"] = 338,
                [81] = {
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                [1820] = {
                    ["totalMax"] = 100,
                    ["amount"] = 100,
                [1979] = {
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                [2594] = {
                    ["amount"] = 647,
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                [1719] = {
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                    ["amount"] = 8,
                [515] = {
                    ["amount"] = 30,
                [1710] = {
                    ["amount"] = 133,
                [994] = {
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                    ["amount"] = 1,
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                    ["amount"] = 1380,
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                    ["amount"] = 1893,
                [2707] = {
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                    ["amount"] = 1195,
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                    ["covenant"] = {
                        [4] = 80,
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                [416] = {
                    ["amount"] = 23,
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                    ["amount"] = 290,
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                    ["amount"] = 11640,
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                [2533] = {
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                [1889] = {
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                250, -- [1]
                251, -- [2]
                252, -- [3]
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            ["Level"] = 70,
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                    ["scenario"] = {
                        false, -- [1]
                        false, -- [2]
                    ["boss"] = false,
                }, -- [1]
                    ["scenario"] = {
                        false, -- [1]
                        false, -- [2]
                    ["boss"] = false,
                }, -- [2]
            ["MythicKeyBest"] = {
                18, -- [1]
                18, -- [2]
                ["threshold"] = {
                    1, -- [1]
                    4, -- [2]
                    8, -- [3]
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                        ["completed"] = true,
                        ["name"] = "Black Rook Hold",
                        ["thisWeek"] = true,
                        ["level"] = 18,
                        ["mapChallengeModeID"] = 199,
                        ["runScore"] = 161,
                        ["rewardLevel"] = 480,
                    }, -- [1]
                        ["completed"] = true,
                        ["name"] = "Atal'Dazar",
                        ["thisWeek"] = true,
                        ["level"] = 18,
                        ["mapChallengeModeID"] = 244,
                        ["runScore"] = 161,
                        ["rewardLevel"] = 480,
                    }, -- [2]
                        ["completed"] = true,
                        ["name"] = "Atal'Dazar",
                        ["thisWeek"] = true,
                        ["level"] = 18,
                        ["mapChallengeModeID"] = 244,
                        ["runScore"] = 161,
                        ["rewardLevel"] = 480,
                    }, -- [3]
                        ["completed"] = true,
                        ["name"] = "Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall",
                        ["thisWeek"] = true,
                        ["level"] = 18,
                        ["mapChallengeModeID"] = 463,
                        ["runScore"] = 161,
                        ["rewardLevel"] = 480,
                    }, -- [4]
                ["ResetTime"] = 1712116799,
                ["rewardWaiting"] = false,
                ["lastCompletedIndex"] = 2,
            ["PlayedTotal"] = 27426579,
            ["Arena2v2rating"] = 1609,
            ["lastbossyelltime"] = 1712011263,
            ["MaxXP"] = 100000000,
            ["MythicKey"] = {
                ["mapID"] = 456,
                ["name"] = "Throne of the Tides",
                ["link"] = "|cffa335ee|Hkeystone:180653:456:21:9:135:7:0|h[Keystone: Throne of the Tides (21)]|h|r",
                ["color"] = "ffff8000",
                ["level"] = 21,
                ["ResetTime"] = 1712116799,
            ["MythicPlusScore"] = 3050,
            ["lastboss"] = "Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest: Mythic Keystone",
            ["LastSeen"] = 1712012296,
            ["PlayedLevel"] = 8425362,
            ["Money"] = 1050065321,
            ["Progress"] = {
                ["df-shipment-of-goods"] = {
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [78427] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [78428] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["df-time-rift"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-aiding-the-accord"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["great-vault-pvp"] = {
                    ["numFulfilled"] = 0,
                    ["maxUnlocks"] = 3,
                    ["rewardWaiting"] = false,
                    ["isComplete"] = false,
                    ["numRequired"] = 1250,
                    ["unlocked"] = true,
                    ["unlocksCompleted"] = 0,
                ["timewalking"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["bfa-lesser-vision"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-the-superbloom"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-disciple-of-fyrakk"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-grand-hunt"] = {
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [70906] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [71136] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [71137] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["df-a-worthy-ally-dream-wardens"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-blooming-dreamseeds"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-renown"] = {
                    [2511] = {
                        30, -- [1]
                        55, -- [2]
                        7500, -- [3]
                    [2507] = {
                        25, -- [1]
                        3365, -- [2]
                        7500, -- [3]
                    [2564] = {
                        20, -- [1]
                        4530, -- [2]
                        7500, -- [3]
                    [2503] = {
                        25, -- [1]
                        3792, -- [2]
                        7500, -- [3]
                    [2510] = {
                        30, -- [1]
                        4283, -- [2]
                        7500, -- [3]
                    [2574] = {
                        20, -- [1]
                        1135, -- [2]
                        7500, -- [3]
                ["df-a-worthy-ally-loamm-niffen"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-researchers-under-fire"] = {
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [75628] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [75629] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [75630] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [75627] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["sl-covenant-assault"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-trial-of-elements"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["bfa-nzoth-assault"] = {
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [55350] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [56064] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [56308] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57157] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57008] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57728] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["df-community-feast"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-dreamsurge"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-secured-shipment"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["great-vault-raid"] = {
                    ["unlocked"] = true,
                    ["rewardWaiting"] = false,
                ["df-the-big-dig-traitors-rest"] = {
                    "0/1 Complete The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest", -- [1]
                    ["show"] = true,
                    ["isFinish"] = false,
                    ["isComplete"] = false,
                    ["numRequired"] = 1,
                    ["leaderboardCount"] = 1,
                    ["text"] = "0/1",
                    ["objectiveType"] = "monster",
                    ["numFulfilled"] = 0,
                ["df-siege-on-dragonbane-keep"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-primal-storms-core"] = {
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [70753] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [70754] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [72686] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [70723] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [70752] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73162] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["bfa-island"] = {
                    "0/36000 Collect 36000 Azerite on Island Expeditions", -- [1]
                    ["show"] = true,
                    ["isFinish"] = false,
                    ["isComplete"] = false,
                    ["numRequired"] = 36000,
                    ["leaderboardCount"] = 1,
                    ["text"] = "0/36000",
                    ["objectiveType"] = "monster",
                    ["numFulfilled"] = 0,
                ["df-sparks-of-life"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-fighting-is-its-own-reward"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["df-primal-storms-elementals"] = {
                    [73998] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74006] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74039] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74016] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73989] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73991] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73993] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73995] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [73999] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74005] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74007] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74009] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    ["show"] = true,
                    [73986] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74022] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74027] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [74038] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                ["sl-patterns-within-patterns"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["emissary-of-war"] = {
                    ["show"] = true,
                    ["isComplete"] = true,
                ["df-trial-of-flood"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
                ["bfa-horrific-vision"] = {
                    [57847] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57848] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57841] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57842] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57843] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57844] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57845] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    [57846] = {
                        ["show"] = false,
                    ["show"] = true,
                ["the-world-awaits"] = {
                    ["show"] = false,
            ["Skills"] = {
            ["Covenant"] = 4,
            ["IL"] = 489.125,

Und das würde ich gerne in einer Tabelle zusammen fügen wollen immer einmal name und Schlüssel.

Grüße Dagu
Antworten Top
Hallo  Dagu,

in Deinem Beispiel gibt es aber 2 Schlüssel zu ["Daguthree - Arygos"]
- Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise (18)
- Throne of the Tides (21)

und Name : ["Daguthree - Arygos"] exiatiert nicht sondern nur ["Daguthree - Arygos"].
Woran soll man also diesen Namen dann erkennen?

fragt sich Luschi
aus klein-Paris
Antworten Top
Der OP sollte IMHO seine Kommunikation verbessern, denn so wie es aussieht
Zitat:Der bereitgestellte Inhalt scheint ein Ausschnitt aus einer Lua-Tabelle zu sein, die verwendet wird, um Charakterdaten für das Add-On "SavedInstances" in World of Warcraft zu speichern. Lua wird oft für die Erstellung von Add-Ons für WoW verwendet, da es leichtgewichtig und gut für die Handhabung von Benutzeroberflächen und Datenstrukturen ist.

Die Struktur des Inhalts ist eine verschachtelte Tabelle, die verschiedene Informationen über Charaktere enthält. Jeder Charakter wird unter seinem Namen ("Daguthree - Arygos" in diesem Fall) aufgeführt und dann mit spezifischen Datenfeldern wie "Arena3v3rating", "Emissary", "Race", "LClass" (Klasse), "RBGrating" (Schlachtfeldbewertung) usw. versehen.

Die Informationen in den verschachtelten Tabellen können verschiedene Dinge darstellen, wie z.B. die Bewertung in bestimmten PvP- oder PvE-Aktivitäten, abgeschlossene oder nicht abgeschlossene Quests, verfügbare Belohnungen ("Emissary"), abgeschlossene Herausforderungen und mehr.

Die Quelle dieses Formats ist das SavedInstances Add-On für World of Warcraft, welches auf Lua basiert und Spielern hilft, den Überblick über ihre wöchentlichen Aktivitäten und Belohnungen zu behalten.
SavedInstances - World of Warcraft Addons - CurseForge

Aber nein, er lässt einen blind raten.

Es gibt sicher einen Parser dafür.
Antworten Top

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